Patient getting botox injection

Facial Aesthetics

You've invested significant time and effort into enhancing the health and appearance of your teeth. Achieving optimal facial aesthetics represents the last leg of your journey towards attaining that flawless smile you've always desired. The artful interplay of techniques are designed to refine your jawline, rejuvenate your skin, and tone your facial muscles to come together harmoniously to your appearance.

Our dentists have a profound understanding of the intricate interplay between skin, muscle, and bone structure, and how they collectively influence your ability to smile. To further enhance your experience, we have dedicated doctors who specialize in the art of facial aesthetics.

Botox and filler injections can improve facial muscle tone and reduce the number and size of your wrinkles. In addition, properly targeted Botox injections have been shown to help relieve the pain of TMJ. By improving both your jaw function and your facial muscle function.

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Serums to enhance the skin

After you’ve replaced damaged or worn-down teeth for a new, youthful smile, you may realize that your facial skin doesn’t support your new, more energetic look. This can be especially true if you’ve recently increased your activity level and lost weight. Facial threading is a way to lift sagging eyebrows, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and skin along the jawline to give you a younger, more energetic aesthetic and a better smile.

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Before and after image of client who had thread treatment

Microneedling is a series of treatments that encourages the production of collagen in your facial area. This revives your skin, reduces the size of your pores, reduces the number and depth of wrinkles, and gives your face a more youthful and energetic appearance, invigorating your smile.

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Client getting a micro needling treatment